KEHP LivingWell Promise

As a LivingWell health insurance plan holder, you’ll need to complete the Castlight health assessment between Jan. 1 and July 1.

LivingWell Promise Incentive

Earn up to $480 a year ($40 a month) in premium discounts in 2025 by completing the health assessment by the deadline. This incentive is available only to retirees in the KEHP, which is for those under 65 and Medicare ineligible.

How to take the health assessment

Complete the questionnaire at Registration is required if you have not already created an account. 

Keep proof of completion

Keep proof of completion until the completion of the health assessment appears on the Castlight platform. (This can take two weeks.)


For questions or more information,  or contact Castlight at 800-681-6758 with any questions.

If you have completed your LivingWell Promise, please disregard this.