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Meeting information
Summary plan descriptions, laws and regulations
Fact sheet
Board of Trustees
TRS is administered by an 11-member Board of Trustees, each of whom serves as a fiduciary on members’ behalf. Two, the education commissioner and the state treasurer, serve by reason of their office. Two, who are required to have investment experience, are appointed by the governor. The remaining trustees are elected by TRS members to staggered four-year terms. Kentucky law requires that four trustees be active members, one trustee be a retired member and two trustees be from outside the teaching profession. Day-to-day operations are led by the executive secretary hired by the board.
Board Members

Meeting information
State law requires the board to meet on the third Mondays of March, June, September and December. In 2025, those meetings will begin at 12:30 p.m. (unless noted otherwise on the published agenda) on March 17, June 16, Sept. 15 and Dec. 15. Meetings are held in the boardroom of the Teachers’ Retirement System, 479 Versailles Rd., Frankfort, Kentucky, 40601, or by teleconference if indicated on the agenda. All meetings are open to the public, and any meeting held by teleconference will be broadcast on the TRS Kentucky YouTube channel or a viewing site will be listed on the agenda. Information about each board committee is contained on the committee’s homepage, which is linked below with its list of members.
Special meetings of the board or its committees also may be called, with the notice and agenda published online here at least 72 hours beforehand. Board agendas (with notice) also will appear in the “Board of Trustees meeting notices and agendas” link below, and committee agendas (with notice) also will appear on the page linked below for the respective committee.
- Board of Trustees approved minutes
- Board of Trustees meeting notices and agendas
- Board of Trustees meeting materials
- Committees’ minutes and agendas available from links below
- Board Governance Manual (under revision)
- Proxy Voting Guidelines
- Investment Procurement Policy
Standing Committees
The membership of each of the standing committees can be seen — along with notices, agendas and minutes for that committee — by clicking the link below for that committee.
Administrative Appeals
Governance & Audit
Special Committees
The membership of each special committee can be seen — along with notices, agendas and minutes for that committee — by clicking the link below for that committee.
TRS salaries and expenditures